Chris - I thought the film was pretty good. I especially like the ending as it was an effective way to end the film. I didn't like the bit where the your watching the killers point of view, as he is walking down the stairs.
Tom - I enjoyed it, I thought tension was built up effectively especially through the use of music. I liked the music in the background. The end scene really topped off an excellent film.
James - The film is a mixture of good scenes and poor scenes. I felt the bit where the camera zoomed in on the knives was poor. It was well jerky. The end scene and the beginning scenes were quality though. The middle part of the film let you down.
Dave - Not bad, but I have seen better.
Liam - Loved it, the end scene was quality when the killer followed the victim outside then killed him. Then the hand banged against the window. That made me jump.
From the feedback I recieved I can gather that our opening scene and our final scene were good. However the middle of our film clip let us down slightly.
Friday, 30 April 2010
Looking back at your preliminary task (the continuity editing task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

From when we filmed the preliminary task we have made such a progress with filming and the quality. we now have used different types of camera angle and shot such as zoom, shot reverse shot, hand held and canter shot. when we were doing the prelimniary task when you tried to edit it on adobe and we struggled and never really understood how to use it.
The 180° rule is a basic guideline in film making that states that two characters in the same scene should always have the same left/right relationship to each other.
Match on action refers to a film editing technique where the editor cuts from one shot to another view that matches the first shot's action.
Shot reverse shot is a film technique where one character is shown looking at another character and then the other character is shown looking back at the first character.
What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
Evaluation Activity 6 - What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
We have used different forms of technology in order to create are films.
These are what we used:
Adobe Premiere 8 - We used Adobe Premiere 8 to edit our film clip and our preliminary task. It is software on the computers at our school that enabled us to edit our filming effectively.
Video recorder/camera - we used the ieces of equipment to film the film and the preliminary task.
Computer at school/home - we used the computers to edit and update our blogs
we also you the internet for reserch.
Microphone - we used this to get better quality sound for our film clip, to make it a more immersive experience for the audience.
Tripod - we used a tripod to make the clip more steady and if we wanted to turn the camcorder you could do it gentley
Memory stick - to save work on it and transfer it from school to home.
Youtube - we used youtube to find videos in which we could analyse for our reasearch and planning. We also used it to upload oour film clip inorder to get it uploaded onto our blog's.
These are what we used:
Adobe Premiere 8 - We used Adobe Premiere 8 to edit our film clip and our preliminary task. It is software on the computers at our school that enabled us to edit our filming effectively.
Video recorder/camera - we used the ieces of equipment to film the film and the preliminary task.
Computer at school/home - we used the computers to edit and update our blogs
we also you the internet for reserch.
Microphone - we used this to get better quality sound for our film clip, to make it a more immersive experience for the audience.
Tripod - we used a tripod to make the clip more steady and if we wanted to turn the camcorder you could do it gentley
Memory stick - to save work on it and transfer it from school to home.
Youtube - we used youtube to find videos in which we could analyse for our reasearch and planning. We also used it to upload oour film clip inorder to get it uploaded onto our blog's.
Who would be the audience for your media product?

The boy called John is the sort of audince we would like to come and see our film he is the age between 15-21. He looks well dressed and like to be up to date with latest clothing so i think he would shop at designer stores, with the waist coat he looks like he would listen to hip hop/rock music which is typical in what teeagers listen to. He looks like he would watch typical american comedies e.g. how i met your mother,freinds and will and grace he favourite films though are horrors his favourite horror films are helloween and scream which is good because that is what we based our film on. We ask him what he thought about our film and this is what he said
"I liked the film the music in the background made me sit on the edge of my seat and the short sharp cuts helps you build up to the stabbing at the end. I really liked the end bit when the hand smashed against the door and the title appears it made me jump. Both acting was good from the killer and victim but the filming was alittle shaky also the camera shakes when the actor walk past but over all i enjoyed the film".
Evaluation Activity 3 - What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
We chose Rogue Pictures to produce our film. This is because Rogue Pictures do fairly low budget films and also specialise in horror films. This was therefore perfect for our film. They have done such films as Shaun of the Dead, Seed of Chucky, the Strangers and Doomsday.The role of the company is to produce the film to the highest quality possible. Their parent company is Universal. Rogue Pictures use Universal to distribute their films. This is because they are a multi-million pound company that have the power to do a large advertising campaign. This would enable us to distribute our film worldwide.
Using Rogue means that there is already an established audience base. this will help us in terms of getting a large audience base. People that have watched Rogue Pictures productions are likely to watch any new films they produce. This therefore be a good start for our film as we would be guaranteed to have an audience.
The money for this film would probably have come from private investors. I would want them to be British in order to maintain the British theme to this film. However Universal would be needed to distribute the film worldwide to maximise revenue.
Our film would be distributed in a similar way to Slumdog Millionaire. They slowly released the film in England and India first then gradually, as revenue increased went world wide. They didn't spend too much money at the start, but gradually increased. This the way in which we would distribute our film. We don't want to spend to much on advertising as we wouldn't have the funds available.
Using Rogue means that there is already an established audience base. this will help us in terms of getting a large audience base. People that have watched Rogue Pictures productions are likely to watch any new films they produce. This therefore be a good start for our film as we would be guaranteed to have an audience.
The money for this film would probably have come from private investors. I would want them to be British in order to maintain the British theme to this film. However Universal would be needed to distribute the film worldwide to maximise revenue.
Our film would be distributed in a similar way to Slumdog Millionaire. They slowly released the film in England and India first then gradually, as revenue increased went world wide. They didn't spend too much money at the start, but gradually increased. This the way in which we would distribute our film. We don't want to spend to much on advertising as we wouldn't have the funds available.
How does your media product represent particular social groups?

The girl is casey from scream I used her because we based our film on scream and the similarity are that they are both young adults both are wearing casual clothing. The differnces are that obviously joe is a boy and casey is a girl and when casey is on the phone she is flirty showing that she has no idea she is going to be a victim.
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? (i.e. of film openings)
Title of film
The title of the film is "knock knock" because the killer make the victim come to the door by knocking on it and then when they go to the door he stabs them with one of there kitchen knifes.
Setting and location
The setting is in a house because we wanted it to feel like the film scream which is based in a house.
Costume and props
With costume and props the killer is wearing a army jacket, army boots and a mask to cover is identity. the victim is just wearing casual clothing because he has just come back from visiting mates.
Camera work and editing
With the camera work there is a scene where the killer is holding the camera we tried to make it seem like it was what the killer could see through is eyes. with the editing we tried to make it quick cutting a quick snappy to build up tension to Suspense the audience.
Title font and style
The title font is just a typical block writing and it is coloure in red to symbolise blood.
Story and how the opening sets it up
The story is a typical stabbing scene and the opening sets it up by having quick cut shots from victim to killer then you see the killer with mask on and it shows you that the victm will get stabbed because a knife goes missing.
Genre and how the opening suggests it
the genre is a horror and the film suggest it because of the down, depressing and spooky music when victim walks in and then you see killer with mask on covered in blood.
How characters are introduced
the characters are introduced by the victim coming through the door and shouting "hello" and not getting a answer back meaning the the audience know he is alone the killer is introduced by sitting in a dark room and them when hearing the victim shout hello he then puts his mask on.
Special effects
no special effects were used
The title of the film is "knock knock" because the killer make the victim come to the door by knocking on it and then when they go to the door he stabs them with one of there kitchen knifes.
Setting and location
The setting is in a house because we wanted it to feel like the film scream which is based in a house.
Costume and props
With costume and props the killer is wearing a army jacket, army boots and a mask to cover is identity. the victim is just wearing casual clothing because he has just come back from visiting mates.
Camera work and editing
With the camera work there is a scene where the killer is holding the camera we tried to make it seem like it was what the killer could see through is eyes. with the editing we tried to make it quick cutting a quick snappy to build up tension to Suspense the audience.
Title font and style
The title font is just a typical block writing and it is coloure in red to symbolise blood.
Story and how the opening sets it up
The story is a typical stabbing scene and the opening sets it up by having quick cut shots from victim to killer then you see the killer with mask on and it shows you that the victm will get stabbed because a knife goes missing.
Genre and how the opening suggests it
the genre is a horror and the film suggest it because of the down, depressing and spooky music when victim walks in and then you see killer with mask on covered in blood.
How characters are introduced
the characters are introduced by the victim coming through the door and shouting "hello" and not getting a answer back meaning the the audience know he is alone the killer is introduced by sitting in a dark room and them when hearing the victim shout hello he then puts his mask on.
Special effects
no special effects were used
Thursday, 29 April 2010
Wednesday, 28 April 2010
Company for our film

We have decided to use the institution Rogue Pictures for our production company because they are the main production for creating horror films. They have created films like The last house on the left, Shaun of the dead, Seed of chucky and The Strangers.
Most of the films that they have produced our made on a low budget. They have ranged between $1,000,000 and $45,000,000. This is the perfect amount of money that we feel would be needed to produce our film.
Saturday, 24 April 2010
draft script
killer - looks at tv (over the shoulder shot)
victim - enters house and shouts hello (mid shot/long shot)
killer - put mask on (mid shot)
killer - hand held shot (point of view shot)
victim - gets drink from sink (long/mid shot)
zoom onto the knife set
diagetic sound of victim mobile ringing
zoom onto knife showing missing knife
killer - knocks onto the door (long shot)
victim - goes to the door (mid/longshot)
killer - follows victim then graps victim and kills him (long shot)
victim - (scream)
close up on the door
victim - bangs on the door showing blood (zoom in)
Title of the film will appear
Names of cast
Music thoughout of the scene
victim - enters house and shouts hello (mid shot/long shot)
killer - put mask on (mid shot)
killer - hand held shot (point of view shot)
victim - gets drink from sink (long/mid shot)
zoom onto the knife set
diagetic sound of victim mobile ringing
zoom onto knife showing missing knife
killer - knocks onto the door (long shot)
victim - goes to the door (mid/longshot)
killer - follows victim then graps victim and kills him (long shot)
victim - (scream)
close up on the door
victim - bangs on the door showing blood (zoom in)
Title of the film will appear
Names of cast
Music thoughout of the scene
Friday, 23 April 2010
Audience profiling
I have done some research into the type of people that would like our film. I asked people of different ages what there favourite genre is . I did this to find out what sort of audience would watch our genre of film.
10-20 years of age: I asked five people in this age category. Four people said that horror is there favourite genre and one person said that gangster is there favourite genre.
20-40 years of age: I asked five people in this age category. Three people said that action is their favourite genre. One person said that horror is their favourite genre. And one person said comedy is their favourite genre.
40+: I asked five people in this age category. Three people said that drama is their favourite genre. And two people said that romance is their favourite genre.
From my research I can come to the conclusion that people aged 10-20 are most likely to be the target audience for my film.
10-20 years of age: I asked five people in this age category. Four people said that horror is there favourite genre and one person said that gangster is there favourite genre.
20-40 years of age: I asked five people in this age category. Three people said that action is their favourite genre. One person said that horror is their favourite genre. And one person said comedy is their favourite genre.
40+: I asked five people in this age category. Three people said that drama is their favourite genre. And two people said that romance is their favourite genre.
From my research I can come to the conclusion that people aged 10-20 are most likely to be the target audience for my film.
Thursday, 22 April 2010
shot list of our film
over the shoulder shot of victim looking at tv screen
high angle of the victim sitting in the room
long shot of victim entering the house
mid shot of killer putting on mask
hand held of killer looking at victim
mid shot of victim in the kitchen
long shot of victim on the kitchen
zoom in on the knifes
long shot of the kitchen
zoom in on the missing knife
long shot of killer kocking on the door
mid shot of victim smashing on the door then title appears
high angle of the victim sitting in the room
long shot of victim entering the house
mid shot of killer putting on mask
hand held of killer looking at victim
mid shot of victim in the kitchen
long shot of victim on the kitchen
zoom in on the knifes
long shot of the kitchen
zoom in on the missing knife
long shot of killer kocking on the door
mid shot of victim smashing on the door then title appears
Monday, 8 March 2010
Our Filming
We have started filming, On Saturday we managed to film the introduction of our film. We took along time setting up the props, location and camera. we also found that it was difficult getting the lighting right.
Tuesday, 2 March 2010
Costums/ Props
Alex ( KIller) - Will be wearing a army jacket, black jeans and millitary boots.
Jov ( victims )- Will be wearing football clothing because he will be coming back from football training.
Tony- casual clothing because he is filming.
Knife (use to stab the victim)
Phone (victim on phone to girlfriend)
Tv (use when the killer is watching a blank fuzzy screen)
Sports Bag (victim has it when coming through the door)
ice hockey mask (to cover killer indenity)
Jov ( victims )- Will be wearing football clothing because he will be coming back from football training.
Tony- casual clothing because he is filming.
Knife (use to stab the victim)
Phone (victim on phone to girlfriend)
Tv (use when the killer is watching a blank fuzzy screen)
Sports Bag (victim has it when coming through the door)
ice hockey mask (to cover killer indenity)
Thursday, 4 February 2010
Gender? ........
Age? .......
Favourite Genre Of Film? .................
Favourite Film? .......................
Cinema or Rental DVD? ..................
Is the opening part of the film the most important bit
What do you like about your favourite genre ? ................................
Age? .......
Favourite Genre Of Film? .................
Favourite Film? .......................
Cinema or Rental DVD? ..................
Is the opening part of the film the most important bit
What do you like about your favourite genre ? ................................
Mark so far
There is minimal research into similar products and a potential target audience.
There is minimal organisation of actors, locations, costumes or props.
There is minimal work on shotlists, layout, drafting, scripting or storyboarding.
There is a basic level of care in the presentation of the research and planning.
Time management may not be good.
Overall - 1/20 Level 1
Alex, you have a lot to do. You must include primarily STORYBOARD, sHOT LIST and DRAFT SCRIPT. This is key to moving up a level.
You should post some images of possible locations and actors, along with explanations as to why they are appropriate.
You must analyse the openings of similar films, and some work on audience profiling is essential. Create questionnaires to establish the needs of your target audience. Look at the Pearl and Dean website (link on Therfield Media blog) for help on audience profiling.
There is minimal organisation of actors, locations, costumes or props.
There is minimal work on shotlists, layout, drafting, scripting or storyboarding.
There is a basic level of care in the presentation of the research and planning.
Time management may not be good.
Overall - 1/20 Level 1
Alex, you have a lot to do. You must include primarily STORYBOARD, sHOT LIST and DRAFT SCRIPT. This is key to moving up a level.
You should post some images of possible locations and actors, along with explanations as to why they are appropriate.
You must analyse the openings of similar films, and some work on audience profiling is essential. Create questionnaires to establish the needs of your target audience. Look at the Pearl and Dean website (link on Therfield Media blog) for help on audience profiling.
Plot for opening scene
The scene starts off with the killer in an enmpty room with nothing but a TV where he is watching a horror film. Beside the killer is knife and horror mask which he uses to hide is identity. After watching the horror film the killer then places the gas mask on picking up the knife up and proceeds to leave the dark cold room. The killer then moves slowly into each room with the camera tracking his every movement. The killer slowly moves down the stairs where he is disturbed by a noise, he then hides around the corner of the stairs for his victim to settle down. he then moves into the room that his victim is sitting in and without hesitation plummets the knife several times into the victims back.
Thursday, 21 January 2010
New decision for film genre
We have now decided to do a horror film instead of a gangster on the bases that it will be easier to film. Also we have analysis horror movies in class such as scream and saw so we have already got some ideas for the film. A horror film is a better movie genre because it build tension up with the audience. we can use better props and use more tense music.
Monday, 18 January 2010
Our film Certificate
Camera Angles
The camera angle marks the specific location at which a camera is placed to take a shot. A scene may be shot from several camera angles.This will give different experience and sometimes emotion.
High-angle shot - In film, a high angle shot is usually when the camera is located above the eyeline. With this type of angle, the camera looks down on the subject and the point of focus often get "swallowed up" by the setting. High angle shots also make the figure or object seem vulnerable or powerless.
Low-angle shot- A low-angle shot, is a shot from a camera positioned low on the vertical axis, anywhere below the eyeline, looking up.
Bird's eye shot- A Bird's eye shot refers to a shot looking directly down on the subject. The perspective is very foreshortened, making the subject appear short and squat. This shot can be used to give an overall establishing shot of a scene, or to emphasise the smallness or insignificance of the subjects. These shots are normally used for battle scenes or establishing where the character is. It is shot by lifting the camera up by hands or by hanging it off something strong enough to support it. For a scene that needs a large area shot, then it will most often likely to be lifted up by a crane or some other sort of machine.
High-angle shot - In film, a high angle shot is usually when the camera is located above the eyeline. With this type of angle, the camera looks down on the subject and the point of focus often get "swallowed up" by the setting. High angle shots also make the figure or object seem vulnerable or powerless.
Low-angle shot- A low-angle shot, is a shot from a camera positioned low on the vertical axis, anywhere below the eyeline, looking up.
Bird's eye shot- A Bird's eye shot refers to a shot looking directly down on the subject. The perspective is very foreshortened, making the subject appear short and squat. This shot can be used to give an overall establishing shot of a scene, or to emphasise the smallness or insignificance of the subjects. These shots are normally used for battle scenes or establishing where the character is. It is shot by lifting the camera up by hands or by hanging it off something strong enough to support it. For a scene that needs a large area shot, then it will most often likely to be lifted up by a crane or some other sort of machine.
Advantage of the snow
Monday, 4 January 2010
Sunday, 3 January 2010
Here are some notes i took down on the dark knight.
Batman is a bat so the lighting makes everything seems to be dark and he never has to fight a villain in the day time because bat only come out at night.
It is a very action filled film but has a little bit of romance in the film the film never gets boring and has lot of action bit throughout the film.
The camera shot make you feel as if you are there in the film.
where batman is in black and grey dark colour the villain (the joker) is dressed in so many bright colours and has a white and red face to stand out,All of the vehicles he uses throughout the film are always black.
Batman is a very basic superhero, he cant really do anythink all he is very strong which he uses to his advantage.
The film as a very good story line but it seems to have two story line one is the batman side of his fighting and stuff and the other is this romantic side with batman and this woman Rachel Dawes who have the twisted love for each other because Rachel Dawes is one on batman closest mates.
Friday, 1 January 2010
opening scene of scream
the opening of scream is a clever scene. It begins with a phone call to the girl and the scram character acts all nice to her but she puts the phone down and scream doesnt like it so he constantly keep rining the girl so he can talk to her. after the phone call finish it shoot to a establishing shot of the house to make the audience know what the house looks like. the girl then put some popcorn on the oven and scream rings again and acts all flirty with the girl and sream hear the pop and ask what was that noise and then girl tell scream that it popcorn which moves him on to say what movie are to and she said a horror film which then he ask which is her favourite horror movie and while she is telling him she is playing with the kneives which is clever because it biuld up the tension in the room and also the film that the audience is watching is a horror. he then ask the girl is she has a boyfreind and she ask why and he says because he want to nikow who he is looking at which make the girl feel scared that maybe a stalker is looking at her. she the locks all the windows and doors to make sure he cant get in. he then ring back saying dont hang up on me and then threat to cut her up which gets the girl worried of her life. she says then she will ring the police but he says they wont make it in time meaning that sream will kill her, she say what do you want and scream says to see what your insides look like which is pretty disgusting and scary for the girl. he then rings the door bell and she jumps oout of her skin. she then say "whos there" and scream rings back saying "dont you watch scary movies" which is clever because the audience are watching a scary movie. the girl then threatens to get her boyfriend round to beat him up, then scream then say the name boyfriend which freaks her out, when she turns the outside lights on her boyfriend is tide up to a chair and she goes to go out there and scream says you better not go out there ot he dies. then scream says you either play a game or the boyfriend dies and the game is a quiz but it turn out that the answer is a trick question and the boyfriend is killed but it put a scary music in the background to out atmosphere into it and then she tries to get out but sream chasing after her ans kills her.
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